Monday, July 2, 2012

15 pages a day

its suppose to be something that are a part of us to be able to indulge ourselves in a good book at all times. we mostly would feel that we dont have the time to be allocated for reading books.

is it really impossible to read 1 book in a month?

I heard on 1 radio show ( IKIM FM )whom had invited Dr. Muhaiya as a guest panel and she has given a very useful tip on how we could finish up a book and its very strategical but manageable.

" We should make it a habit/ routine to read at least 15 pages / day. this would only take up 15 mins to 20 mins on average. ( yup! I tried reading in the train on my way to work, easily 15 = mins 15 pages ).
So averages of a book consists of about 350 pages.
350 pages/15 pages = 23 days

365 days / 23 days = 15 books  a year

So easily, the least is 1 book every month.

How about that?

The key is discipline. Make it a habit/routine.

eventually it will be a part of us that we can NOT read as our way of life.

Always bring a book with you anywhere you go.
Especially if you are going to have to wait for someone or when it requires you to wait for something. ie: transport, bank, clinic etc.

Hopefully we could make a turn from faceBOOK to real BOOK!

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