started to read this book august 20, 2009. like a little bit boring. the sentences are more complicated and poetic. not my cup of tea. not much.
story about astrid and her mother. the intro reminded me a little bit on a movie ( forgotten its title) starring natalie portman and alaa forgot her name also lah. where by the mother was a little irresponsible and the daughter has more senses.
the mother, ingrid got herself fallen for a guy, the guy's a liar and she took revenge to him. killed him. she got to prisoned. astrid are now leaving with foster parents. the first one, she got hooked herself with a 50 years old man ( his actually her foster mother's boyfriend and she was actually only 14 yo ), foster mom caught her and shot her.
she moved than to a new foster family, the turlock. at the moment the mom was hard. asks her to clean up, baby sit, laundry and worst of all a beautician. again got herself attached to a lady who was not accepted in the neighborhood. again got thrown out and went to live to another foster home that didn't feed her lunch , lock the fridge and just give dinner only.
she than asks for a new placement. after some distress, she manage out and was place into a very nice actress lady and the husband does something on tv. she is having a time of her life now. leaving her dream with the richards, only that ron is not all that great. claire is facing a strenous relationship with the husband. suspected he has other women.
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