this is a mind blogging reality... we might know about it but has forget....
i for one was clearly not realising this...
just started on the book yesterday...
basically the first chapter..umat yang super
i was mesmerized on how we Islam.. Muslim was the 'it'. We are the sole references of others ... religions... we were at our glory while the western are in their dark Ages..
quote" eropah bergelap pada waktu malam sedangkan cordova bercahaya dengan lampu. eropah kotor sedangkan cordova membina 1000 tempat mandi. eropah dipenuhi dengan serangga sedangkan penduduk cordova menukar pakaian dalam mereka setiap hari. eropah dipenuhi selut sedangkan jalan-jalan di cordova bertar. istana eropah dipenuhi lubang asap di bumbung sedangkan bangunan di cordova tersergam indah.
tokoh- tokoh di eropah tidak tahu menandatangani nama sendiri sedangkan anak-anak di cordova sudah ke sekolah. tokoh-tokoh agama di eropah tidak tahu membaca risalah kristian sedangkan ulama islam di cordova membina kutub khatanah yang besar" by victor robinson in the story of medicine ( the new home library, new york, 1943 )
its an eye opening.... Wallahualam